Come Together During Global Diversity Awareness Month

Here at 6Connex, we’re happy to be celebrating Global Diversity Awareness month this October. While there are still many uncertainties in the world today, we wanted to share our perspective on this matter. The future of events, work, and marketing are going through constant change, and it’s not always clear what to expect while moving forward.

Our goal is to continue to remove the hurdles and barriers for  attendees, allowing them to feel that they can join in on the conversation, no matter where or who they are. While we give our take on Global Diversity Awareness and the future of the virtual event platform, we want to warn other brands as they transition into the new normal. Collectively the events industry has taken a great leap forward and as we turn back toward potential in-person events we caution all event organizers to think about this impact and to not disenfranchise their core customer base. 


How COVID Accelerated Digital Transformation

Across all businesses and sectors, COVID-19 has drastically changed the way we do business. While this hasn’t always been a good thing, as we’ve all clearly experienced over the last two years, there’s no denying that the resulting digital transformation has created a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable experience for all. 

The rise of hybrid events and virtual events, accelerated by this digital transformation, has resulted in giving certain groups of underrepresented peoples a place to join in the conversation. 

Additionally, in the virtual event space, event organizers and marketers saw a huge uplift in both the number of registrants and the number of attendees for events. Engagement across virtual environments has increased, and now more data than ever can and has been collected. With the influx of data, companies can more accurately plot out their customer journeys and derive ROI.


The New Virtual Event Attendees

Traditionally, underrepresented groups have not been included during in-person events. Whether it was from a lack of funds, travel restrictions and/or disabilities that prevented attendance, many of these groups were largely left out of the conversation. 

With the rise of virtual event platforms, these underrepresented groups are now present, participating, creating, and feeling a sense of community. The traditional ‘in-person activities’ have now been replaced and are staged virtually fulfilling a need that was well overdue; a diverse and inclusive events space.

As companies plan to go back to the office and dabble with the idea of returning to in-person events, it’s important that we don’t forget about these groups and the huge steps forward that have been made over the last two years to grow and sustain these communities. We are all equal no matter who or where we are, onsite or online. 


An Example of the Changing Virtual Environment

Let’s take a look at a sector that has experienced incredible transformation and a noticeable increase in underrepresented groups now joining in and becoming a part of the conversation. While every industry can find examples of increased inclusion, one particular space where it is readily apparent is in healthcare. 

Before the pandemic, recovering groups, disabled persons, healthcare employees and employers used to primarily attend everything in-person.[1] Obviously this has all changed. Historically, disabled persons felt somewhat ostracized from their professional and social communities but now this is not the case, now they can easily attend any event or join in on any conversation.

In addition to virtual events, platforms for telehealth are projected to continue their growth and be an effective source of treatment and diagnosis for many patients. Disabled persons now feel empowered and are pushing for a continued inclusive environment for all events into the future. 

For them—and many other underrepresented groups—the change in how events are run isn’t a short term solution. Hosting virtual events is a long-term solution toward creating the best possible events with the best formats for all participants, and as we explore global diversity, it’s essential to keep the needs of these groups in mind as we continue to experience a change in the workplace.[2]


The Hybrid Event Solution

Both virtual and hybrid events are here to stay. Companies across the globe have found success with their virtual or hybrid event solution that brings all people together and can also bring incredible savings on typical event costs and budgets; meaning you do not have to pay more to be inclusive. 

At 6Connex, we have always embraced this mindset. Our virtual and hybrid event platform has promoted diversity and encouraged inclusion for years. We were 508 compliant well before the COVID-19 pandemic, and have increased our investment in this area to benefit all customers during tough times. 

We are also a decentralized company, and we believe that a more diverse workforce will truly help us build the best solutions for our customers and the broader market. As we celebrate Global Diversity Awareness Month, let’s continue to expand the hybrid event solution and work towards a future of inclusion. Let’s bring everyone into the conversation!


What Our Employees Say About Global Diversity

“We connect, we collaborate, and we don't leave anyone behind." - Yana Nekula, Product Content & Training Manager

“Every day we work across cultures, time zones, language barriers, and perspectives to explore ideas and refine concepts. Because our teams are so culturally diverse, the breadth of perspective that goes into forming our solutions helps us make solutions that are naturally more accessible because they have been influenced by such a broad range of individuals.” - Matt Ellinger, Senior UX Designer in Development

“Being LGBTQ+, when starting at a new place of work I tend to do a quick assessment about if/when I will come out. At 6Connex, despite being remote, I quickly felt like a member of the family and it was clear I am surrounded by friendly, accepting individuals that can see that the business thrives on diversity.” - Rob Phillips, Global Customer Success Manager

“Colleagues are always ready to help and guide one another, ready to serve and help.” - Landry Harris, Business Development Partnership Representative

“Being a virtually remote company has greatly broadened the ability for 6Connex to globally acquire talent, this diversity is experienced everyday when we collaborate with our team members, and it is absolutely refreshing!” - Michelle Sumner, Data Visionary Manager

“The atmosphere at 6Connex is one of excellence and creativity. From our rapid fire convos and daily lives being expressed in emojis and memes in chat, to my department lead encouraging me weekly to go further and excel to my full potential -- we all clearly see the house we are building and each of us has a room in it to decorate.” - Michael Chance, Program Visionary Manager

“The team dynamic is global and reflective of many communities, not just my own.” - Kyle Poppitz, Trainer & Learning Development Specialist

“6Connex celebrates me! They let me be my unique self and encourage me to share my experiences.” - Alanna Palladino, Customer Success Manager

“My leadership supports me in everything I do!  They value my opinions and views, as well as my experience.” - Neil Andersen, Client Advocacy Manager

“My manager is very supportive, yet pushes us to be the best we can be. He encourages us to have our own style and learn from each other.” - Lara Proegler, Trainer & Learning Development Specialist

“Everyone is very friendly with each other and always willing to include others for ideas.” - Renee Lockhart, AR/AP Specialist in Administration

“At Dura and 6Connex, everyone's perspective matters. Executives provide an open book approach to management and everyone is encouraged to participate.” - Chris Shrope, Product Marketing Manager

“We have people from around the world working for us. I like to think that people feel included and feel that they have the right and place to share their view and that we listen. That culture is something I want to wake up to and be part of every day.” - Joakim Jonsson, Chief Product Officer


[1] Healthline - How the Pandemic Led to the Rise of Virtual Rehab

[2] Meeting Minds Podcasts - Making the Future of Events Inclusive ft. Anthony DeVergillo

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