6Connex Helps Anima International Connect and Inspire Animal Rights Advocates at Annual CARE Conference

For the last two decades, Anima International has worked in multiple countries to reduce the suffering of animals. With an emphasis on farmed animals and a concentration of activity in Eastern Europe, Anima International conducts investigations, works with companies to introduce higher welfare standards in their supply chains, and secures legal milestones for animals in addition to making a concerted effort to share knowledge and skills at scale to build a stronger movement and increase the reach, efficiency, and speed with which it can make change happen across the European continent. From rescuing minks and foxes to persuading major retailers to phase out cage eggs, Anima International has successfully influenced public policy and opinion and continually inspires activists to encourage plant-based innovations, promote meat alternatives, and support animal rights. 

The Challenge

Seven years ago, Anima International hosted the first Conference for Animal Rights in Europe (CARE), a yearly international event designed to connect and inspire animal rights activists across the continent. CARE offers attendees an opportunity to network and share knowledge, experience, and best practices as well as learn effective advocacy strategies. CARE consistently features a broad agenda, where attendees can enjoy everything from keynote presentations from well renowned speakers, to “speed dating” networking events, to training in advocacy skills such as negotiating and public speaking. One of the benefits of the event is that large, well developed animal rights organizations in countries where pro-animal movements are gaining momentum can mentor smaller organizations in countries where the movement is nascent.

For the 2022 event, Anima International decided to host the CARE Conference in a hybrid format, recognizing that not everyone could easily travel to the conference location in Warsaw, Poland, and wanting to attract as large an audience as possible.

Click below to download the full case study and learn more about how 6Connex helped Anima International pull off the hybrid transition of their conference that many attendees commented was the best CARE Conference held to date.

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