6Connex Case Studies | Virtual, Hybrid, & In-Person Events

Skills Consulting Group + 6Connex Case Study | 6Connex Virtual Events

Written by 6Connex Team | Oct 8, 2021 4:55:23 PM

Case Study: Skills Consulting Group

Based in New Zealand, Skills Consulting Group (SCG) is an international team of experts in learning and development, workplace wellbeing and education consulting. It’s focused on growing businesses through developing people.


The Challenge: Journeying Through Change 

When putting together its 2021 New Zealand Vocational Education and Training Research Forum (NZVETRF), SCG needed to bring the vocational education community together as it adapted to the changes brought by COVID-19’s global pandemic and sweeping regulatory reforms. The NZVETRF events are SCG’s largest of the year, and are keenly anticipated by the industry.

Now in its 17th year, NZVETRF is where experts in vocational education discuss critical issues, share research, present evidence and inform policy makers about ‘what works.’ 2021’s forum centred around the theme: A journey through change. 

As with 2020, SCG chose to stage the forum on a virtual events platform to make sure the event was not disrupted by the short-notice Alert Level changes New Zealand uses to manage COVID-19 outbreaks. Having worked with 6Connex before, SCG was confident it would meet theirs and their attendees’ expectations around user-friendliness and visual effectiveness.


The Solution: A Resilient Event

As it turned out, the 2021 NZVETRF happened to fall within a total COVID-19 lockdown. Had SCG chosen to organize an in-person event, it would have been cancelled. Instead, hundreds of attendees were able to gather safely online and network while they learned.