Virtual events are an overnight sensation 10 years in the making. Since the emergence of the COVID-19 crisis earlier this year, event organizers have scrambled to move their trade shows, benefits fairs, recruiting events, and more online - sparking an awareness of the value virtual events can deliver and a greater thirst for expertise on how to better leverage online venues to drive business KPIs.
Join 6Connex CEO Ruben Castano, Wainhouse Research Senior Analyst Steve Vonder Haar, and Joakim Jonsson, GM 6Connex EMEA, as they discuss key takeaways from an unprecedented year and share their thoughts on how the 2020 landscape will re-shape the events business in 2021 – and beyond. Our virtual and hybrid event engagement tools include:
Our environments offer unique and personalized engagement - and we make it fun. You can also track your virtual and hybrid event engagement with our tracking tools.
6Connex is the leading provider of in-person, hybrid, and virtual event technology for enterprises worldwide. Our cloud-based product portfolio includes event management tools, in-person event apps, virtual venues, webinars, learning management, and more.
From internal meetings to large scale conferences, we allow you to engage and transform big ideas into real-world results.
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