AWS-Powered Artificial Intelligence Capabilities Added to 6Connex’s Industry-Leading Virtual Venue Products

6Connex First in Virtual Events Industry to Integrate Matchmaking and Recommendations Technology via Amazon Personalize  

SAN ANTONIO, Texas, June 9, 2021 - 6Connex, the leading global enterprise platform for virtual and hybrid events, today announced that it has integrated Amazon Personalize from Amazon Web Services (AWS)  into the 6Connex SoarSM and RiseSM products to deliver personalized recommendations powered by AI. 6Connex is the first virtual events provider to leverage AWS’s AI technology. 

6Connex customers can now use these new AI capabilities to offer matchmaking recommendations to event attendees. Additionally, event organizers can also leverage the AI to recommend content and to help attendees plan their event agendas. The technology can support more than 100,000 attendees at a single event or conference.

“Successful events depend on engagement and personalization, and our new artificial intelligence capabilities allow conference organizers to personalize the experience for each attendee,” said 6Connex CEO Ruben Castaño. “Done incorrectly, virtual events can be very lonely. Our technology -- powered by AWS -- enables attendees to connect with each other, and to connect with content that ensures the best use of their time.” 

6Connex’s development team used Amazon Personalize  to build its virtual venue AI application for the Rise and Soar products based on  the same machine learning technology used by for its real-time personalized recommendations. 6Connex Soar is the company’s top-tier enterprise solution designed for companies that require multiple virtual venues while 6Connex Rise is the fully customizable, immersive, and scalable mid-tier solution catering to multiple use cases.  

“It’s gratifying to see how the 6Connex development team was able to leverage Amazon Personalize to create a set of AI capabilities that take virtual events to the next level,” said Zoe Hillenmeyer, Head of Business Development for AI Services at AWS.

The AI leverages data provided by event attendees and learns from their interactions and event behavior on the virtue venue to help determine their networking and content interests. This information is gained through the registration process and event interactions; and in many cases, organizers can combine with existing attendee information from past events. 

How It Works 

6Connex’s AI learns before and throughout an event conference. When an attendee joins a meeting room or views a piece of content for a specified amount of time, an ‘interaction’ data point is generated. As attendees interact with the platform during a live event, these interaction data points are streamed from the platform website in real-time and this data is streamed directly to 6Connex’s Amazon-powered tracker. Those data points train a model using one of Amazon Personalize’s algorithms and allow for real-time matchmaking recommendations to attendees participating in an event. Once one or more attendees view specific content or stay in an environment, the AI identifies other attendees who have similar interests and recommends those environments, sessions, or content. Recommendations can be made in real-time or after the live events are over -- offered as on-demand resources. 

“By leveraging the machine learning aspect of Amazon Personalize, we can improve the recommendations and matchmaking capabilities over time to optimize an attendee’s experience,” said Henry Tran, 6Connex’s Chief Technology Officer.  “When you’re attending an event virtually, it’s much easier to get distracted by texts and emails. Our new AI offerings help to ensure participants are fully engaged and receive a personalized experience.”

About 6Connex 

6Connex is the leading provider of virtual and hybrid event solutions. Our secure, cloud-based platform expands audience reach and drives in-depth content engagement for marketing, sales, recruitment, training, and HR communities. Our product portfolio includes virtual and hybrid venues, learning management, and webinars. For more information, visit, or call 1-800-395-4702.



Originally published at PR Newswire on June 9, 2021.

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