5 Key Benefits of a Virtual SKO

Sales kickoffs in particular, are becoming more streamlined into virtual events. There are many advantages to choosing a virtual SKO over a physical one - cost and effortless collaboration and communication are just a few that come to mind. Delivering, maintaining, and extracting valuable information that your sales team can easily retrieve is icing on the cake. 6Connex can help with configuration of your virtual sales conference happen by offering all of this and more through a 100-percent cloud virtual environment platform and the support of its passionate team.

5 Key Benefits of Implementing a Virtual SKO

  1. Cost-Effectiveness
  2. Enhanced Productivity
  3. Unification
  4. Convenience
  5. Reusable Content/Resources


1. Cost-Effectiveness

There’s no denying that It’s more cost-effective to organize and execute a virtual SKO. To physically host a large SKO event requires bringing in key note speakers and managing travel and hosting expenses – a huge cost commitment, not to mention that pulling off a successful overall experience takes nothing short of a Herculean effort. Companies are honing in on the value of investing these costs directly into the technology that will take their events to the next level. The advantages of fostering such an environment includes accessibility and efficient communication without adding costs.


2. It Maximizes Time and Enhances Productivity

An SKO virtual environment is conducive to efficiency simply because it maximizes time. Networking and moving information happens quickly with just a few clicks. Even better, your sales team won’t miss a beat because they won’t have to leave the field. Face-to-face meetings can be sanctioned specifically for education. In fact, productivity from both the sales and management teams will most likely increase while participating in a virtual SKO, making the whole company more productive. 


3. It’s Unifying

6Connex’s alternative platform offers a cost-effective solution that allows companies to directly reach out to their global sales team – uniting members across the globe. Additionally, companies can use 6Connex’s highly-configurable, cross-platform innovation to widen opportunities for their audiences to connect with each other virtually. Since virtual events provide context around a company’s specific content, the 6Connex team works closely with its partnered company to create a tailored virtual world that facilitates live and Q&A “hot topic” sessions along with a robust library of informational resources.

Skeptics may have the perception that replacing physical face-to-face interaction leaves a lesser connection or may even damper their sales force’s morale. In fact, it does just the opposite by removing the stress and exhaustion of traveling (especially if international) and keeping up with set seminar and conference times. Companies can set the tone of their SKO by requiring their global sales force to first participate in a live format with the added convenience of using their desktops, tablets, or smartphones. This will start the event off in a more cohesive manner. With Webcam or full production video, live chat, Twitter, RSS, polls and surveys, virtual engagement can take place 24/7, making it virtually impossible to not feel part of the community.


4. Convenience

The convenience of implementing a virtual sales conferences is incomparable. Companies can swiftly log into the virtual SKO from their home offices and get right to analyzing the latest security trends and threats while gaining the latest security solution updates from the product management team. With flexible controls, companies can decide what’s best for their audience and program.


5. Reusable Content and Resources

The ability to effectively capture and recycle valuable content is definitely an added advantage when fostering a virtual environment. Your company’s training content is taped during the virtual SKO and can then be channeled later into another resource, such as employee training and review. Content is sustained for 6 months after the sales kickoff event occurs, so after training the internal team, that same content can be modified for use elsewhere in your company’s virtual community. Partners, new employees, and global sales team members can continue their education or refresh their knowledge on key products and product launches. This saves your company’s valuable time while maintaining product messaging and knowledge consistency.

The virtual conference experience also allows for responsive discussions and fluid communication.

With a SKO live event, expo booths consist of downloadable material and video capabilities, promoting exceptional interactivity. For example, your company may create a SKO executive lounge environment where the product and leadership team can be accessible and questions can easily be sourced to the executive team for feedback.

As you can see, the advantages of creating a successful virtual SKO solution are vast and boundless. Once you take your company’s SKO to a virtual environment, you’ll never want to go back to the unnecessary expenses and hassles of orchestrating a physical one.


To learn more, contact us today. We'd love to hear from you and help you put on your virtual sales kickoff. For more information on how you can put together the best sales kickoff for your organization, download our free e-book below, the Ultimate Sales Kickoff Playbook!


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Additional Resources:

3 Ingredients to a Successful SKO

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