Virtual & Hybrid Events Blog, Tips, How-Tos, and More | 6Connex

How to Streamline Lead Generation at Events and Maximize ROI

Written by Meg Green | Aug 22, 2024 4:00:00 PM

Generating high-quality leads at events remains a significant challenge for many businesses, with 68% of B2B marketers reporting difficulties despite lead generation being a top priority for 91% of them. This underscores the necessity of a well-thought-out strategy to make the most of every opportunity events provide. By focusing on streamlined approaches to lead generation, you can transform each interaction into a valuable prospect, driving long-term business growth. In this blog, we'll explore practical steps to enhance your lead generation efforts at events, ensuring your strategies are both effective and efficient.

Understanding Event Lead Generation

Event lead generation is about fostering meaningful connections that can evolve into long-term customer relationships. Whether you're hosting a conference, participating in a trade show, or conducting a webinar, the objective is to engage attendees in a way that piques their interest in your products or services and guides them through the sales funnel.

Effective event lead generation involves more than just planning and hosting an event; it's about strategically identifying and nurturing potential customers through various event types. This approach plays a vital role in both B2B and B2C marketing by offering direct engagement with prospects. It enables companies to demonstrate their expertise and build relationships that could lead to future sales. The emphasis is not merely on drawing a large crowd but on making meaningful connections with those who are more likely to become loyal clients.

The key to successful event lead generation lies in understanding your target audience, crafting a compelling value proposition, and utilizing the right tools and techniques to effectively capture and manage leads. By creating meaningful experiences and interactions that resonate with attendees, businesses can turn interest into actionable leads, significantly enhancing their visibility and influence in the market.

Pre-Event Planning: Setting the Stage for Success

Effective lead generation begins long before the event itself. Streamlining your approach during this phase ensures that every effort is maximized for efficiency and impact. To set the stage for success, you need to clearly define your objectives, identify your target audience, and develop a plan that aligns with your business goals.

Define Clear Objectives

What do you want to achieve from this event? Whether it's generating a specific number of leads, building brand awareness, or closing sales, having clear objectives will guide your entire strategy and streamline your efforts toward the most impactful activities.

Audience Segmentation

Identify the key demographics and psychographics of your target audience. This will help you tailor your messaging and engagement strategies to resonate with the right people, ensuring that your efforts are focused and efficient.

Pre-Event Engagement

Build anticipation and interest through targeted pre-event marketing. Use email campaigns, social media, and personalized invitations to create a buzz around your event and attract the right audience. Streamlining this engagement process by using automation tools can save time and ensure consistency in your messaging.

On-Site Engagement: Capturing High-Quality Leads

Once the event is underway, the focus shifts to capturing high-quality leads efficiently. Streamlining your on-site efforts can make a significant difference in the quality and quantity of leads generated.

Create an Engaging Booth or Virtual Presence

Whether it's a physical booth at a trade show or a virtual booth at an online event, your presence should be visually appealing and inviting. Use interactive elements like live demonstrations, product showcases, or gamified experiences to attract attendees and spark conversations. With 6Connex, you can take your booth to the next level by incorporating gamification elements directly into your virtual booth. For example, you can set up challenges, quizzes, or scavenger hunts that not only engage attendees but also encourage them to explore your offerings more deeply. These gamified experiences can be seamlessly integrated into the 6Connex platform, making your booth a dynamic and interactive environment that stands out and drives lead generation.

Leverage Technology for Lead Capture

The right technology can significantly streamline the process of capturing and managing leads. Tools like 6Connex's Eventory Scanner are game-changers in this regard. The latest release of Eventory Scanner includes support for custom questionnaires, allowing Scanner Operators to efficiently gather key information to assess a lead’s value before saving a visitor. This feature ensures that the leads you capture are not only numerous but also highly relevant to your business objectives, thus streamlining the qualification process.

Offer Incentives for Engagement

Encourage attendees to share their information by offering valuable incentives. For example, you might offer digital gift cards for completing a survey or exclusive content access, like a whitepaper or e-book, in exchange for their contact details. Streamlining this process by preparing pre-set offers or automating reward distribution can enhance efficiency and ensure that no opportunity is missed. By automating the distribution of these incentives, you can provide immediate value to attendees while making the process seamless and manageable for your team.

Facilitate Networking Opportunities

Events are as much about networking as they are about showcasing products. Create opportunities for attendees to connect with each other and your team. This could be through organized networking sessions, virtual lounges, or one-on-one meeting opportunities.

One way to facilitate networking between attendees, partners, and booth representatives is to use a tool such as AI Matchmaking. By tailoring registration questions, our AI engine matches your audience to other like-minded participants to help them make a genuine connection.

Post-Event Follow-Up: Turning Leads into Customers

The success of your event lead generation efforts hinges on what happens after the event. A well-planned and efficient post-event follow-up strategy is essential to converting leads into customers and ensuring the momentum you’ve built carries forward.

Segment Your Leads

Not all leads are created equal. By segmenting your leads based on their engagement levels and interests during the event, you can tailor follow-up communications to address their specific needs. This targeted approach not only increases the likelihood of conversion but also deepens your relationship with potential customers.

Personalize Your Follow-Up

Use the data you’ve gathered during the event to craft personalized follow-up emails and email campaigns. Reference the sessions they attended, the content they interacted with, or the products they showed interest in. Personalization is key to keeping your leads engaged and moving them closer to a purchase decision. With 6Connex’s platform, you can easily leverage behavioral data collected during the event to create highly personalized follow-ups, ensuring that each communication resonates with your audience.

Leverage Automation

Streamlining your follow-up process through marketing automation is crucial for maintaining consistency and ensuring no lead is overlooked. Automated email sequences, triggered by specific actions or timelines, keep your brand top-of-mind for potential customers. 6Connex simplifies this process by integrating real-time data with your CRM, allowing for a seamless transition from event engagement to follow-up campaigns, which can significantly reduce the time it takes to qualify and convert leads.

Provide Ongoing Value

To keep your leads engaged and moving through the sales funnel, continue offering valuable content long after the event ends. This could include case studies, whitepapers, or exclusive webinars that align with their interests and needs. By consistently providing valuable resources, you reinforce your expertise and maintain a strong connection with potential customers. Additionally, 6Connex’s comprehensive content hub makes it easy to manage and distribute this content, ensuring that your leads receive timely and relevant information.

By using a platform like 6Connex, you can not only streamline the follow-up process but also enhance the overall effectiveness of your lead generation strategy, ultimately turning more event leads into loyal customers.

Evaluating the Success of Event Lead Generation

Understanding the impact of your event planning and lead generation efforts is essential for refining your marketing strategies and making informed decisions for future events. This evaluation relies on several key performance indicators (KPIs), each offering valuable insights into different aspects of the event’s success. By analyzing these metrics, you can optimize not just your lead generation strategies, but also the overall planning and execution of your events to ensure they deliver maximum value.

Qualified Leads

If your primary objective is to generate prospects for your sales team, measuring the number of qualified leads is crucial to measuring the success of your lead generation. This involves defining specific criteria for what constitutes a qualified lead for your business and assessing how many of these were successfully captured during the event.

Event Surveys

Gathering feedback through surveys before, during, or after the event provides direct insights into attendee satisfaction. This feedback helps identify what elements of the event were most effective and what areas may require improvement. With 6Connex's Eventory Scanner, you can easily integrate and deploy custom surveys tailored to your event’s specific goals. These surveys can be administered at strategic points throughout the event, enabling you to collect real-time feedback and immediately gauge attendee reactions. This data is crucial for refining your event strategies and enhancing future experiences.

Event Check-Ins

This metric tracks how many attendees registered and actually participated in the event. Comparing check-ins to the total number of registrations offers a clear view of your event’s appeal and the success of your pre-event marketing efforts. With 6Connex’s Check-In App, you can efficiently manage and monitor attendee check-ins in real time. This tool not only streamlines the check-in process but also provides instant access to valuable data, helping you assess event attendance and engagement with precision.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

NPS measures how likely attendees are to recommend the event to others, serving as a strong indicator of overall participant satisfaction and engagement. A high NPS typically correlates with a successful event experience.

Engagement Metrics

For virtual events, tracking metrics of your engagement tools, such as chat participation, virtual applause, and session attendance, reveals how actively attendees engaged with the content and activities. High levels of engagement often lead to higher conversion rates for leads. With 6Connex, you can easily monitor these metrics in real time through the platform's comprehensive analytics dashboard. This allows you to understand attendee behavior, identify the most engaging aspects of your event, and make data-driven decisions to enhance future events. By capturing and analyzing these engagement metrics, 6Connex helps ensure that your virtual events not only capture attention but also drive meaningful conversions.

Goal Setting and Tracking

Setting and monitoring KPIs related to lead quantity, lead quality, and event-driven sales helps you measure success and return on investment (ROI). Tracking these KPIs over time allows you to refine your event strategies for better outcomes in future events.

By consistently measuring these KPIs, you can assess the effectiveness of your event lead generation, identify areas for improvement, and optimize your approach to achieve even greater success in upcoming events.

The Power of 6Connex in Streamlining Event Lead Generation

When it comes to event lead generation, having the right platform can make all the difference. 6Connex offers a robust in-person, hybrid, and virtual event platform designed to maximize your lead generation efforts, whether you're hosting a small webinar or a large-scale virtual conference. With features like customizable event environments, detailed analytics, and seamless integrations, 6Connex empowers businesses to create engaging and effective events that drive results.

Advanced Lead Capture with 6Connex's Eventory Scanner

One of the standout features of 6Connex is its advanced lead capture capabilities. Tools and mobile event apps like the Eventory Scanner enable event organizers to gather detailed information about attendees efficiently. With support for custom questionnaires, you can tailor your lead capture process to gather the most relevant data, ensuring that your sales team receives highly qualified leads. Additionally, 6Connex’s platform offers real-time analytics, allowing you to track attendee engagement and optimize your lead generation strategy on the fly.

6Connex’s mobile apps and event platform are designed to enhance the overall event experience. From interactive booths to networking lounges, the platform provides numerous opportunities for meaningful interactions between attendees and your brand. These features not only increase engagement but also improve the quality of the leads generated, as attendees who are more involved are likely to be more interested in your offerings.

Take Your Event Lead Generation to the Next Level with 6Connex

Streamlining lead generation at events involves a comprehensive approach that begins with meticulous pre-event planning, continues through engaging and interactive on-site activities, and is reinforced by effective post-event follow-up. By understanding your audience, leveraging the right tools, and creating meaningful connections throughout the event journey, you can convert more prospects into loyal customers.

6Connex offers the powerful tools you need to enhance every step of this process, from advanced lead capture with the Eventory Scanner to creating immersive event environments that drive deeper engagement. With 6Connex, you can transform your in-person, hybrid, or virtual events into high-impact lead-generating opportunities that propel your business forward.

Ready to elevate your event lead generation efforts? Book a demo with 6Connex today and discover how our platform can help you create events that not only engage attendees but also generate high-quality leads that drive your business forward.