Boost Event Participation with Gamification

Virtual events have become more and more popular amongst organizations in a variety of fields. This enables them to put on sustainable events, Also, organizations can make events more fun using virtual event products like those offered by 6Connex. These products are great for implementing traditional engagement tools and event tech integrations

Many companies running virtual events want to stand out by offering a unique experience. Gamification is one of the best ways to do this. Read on to learn more about the gamification definition.

What is Gamification?

Put simply, gamification refers to introducing video game elements into a different digital context. This is easier than ever to implement with virtual event platforms like 6Connex. The multitude of gamification options allows a wide variety of different "games." While these games can be implemented purely for fun, gamification actually offers a number of tangible benefits.  

Implementing Gamification for Events

When implementing gamification, it is important to focus on creating a simple, yet fun experience. Keep in mind that you want the game to enhance the event, not to distract attendees. Always ensure that the game elements are connected to the progression of the session. This will increase engagement throughout the session. 

Unique Gamification Ideas for Virtual Events

While the possibilities for gamification are nearly endless, five methods have proven to be popular. These methods include awarding points for specific actions, scavenger hunts, trivia questions, contests, and digital "passports."

Doling Out Points for Engagement

One of the simplest and easiest ways to gamify an event is to give out points for specific actions. These actions should require attendees to engage with the session in some way. Many events give out points for each exhibitor an attendee visits. It has also become common for gamified events to award points for every social media share.   

Digital Scavenger Hunts

This method has become popular with hybrid digital/in-person events. These events often work with an augmented reality app to place digital objects in real-world locations around the event center. 

Digital scavenger hunts can also be implemented for fully virtual events. Digital objects could be placed on various web pages relevant to the event. This incentivises the attendee to engage deeply with exhibitors. 


Another relatively simple way for organizers to gamify an event is to ask trivia questions throughout. Attendees can receive a certain number of points for answering questions correctly. It's common for organizers to give out digital prizes (such as discounts on exhibitor products) to high-scoring attendees. 

Digital Passports

In recent years, digital passports have been introduced into the virtual event space. These "passports" can be stamped by exhibitors that the attendee interacts with. This mechanic can be gamified by awarding points for each interaction.

Benefits of Gamification

Gamification can offer numerous benefits for event organizers. Firstly, a well-implemented gamification structure can significantly increase engagement. Also, attendees who enjoy themselves will view the brand in a more positive light. This could result in increased conversion rates both during and after events.

Finally, attendees who take part in a gamified virtual event will have a more productive experience themselves. This is because they will find it easier to network with other attendees who have taken part in the same game. If they view a certain event as having been productive, attendees will be more likely to take part in your next event.

Learn More About the 6Connex Platform

Many event organizers want to create a gamified virtual event, but they don't know where to start. Thankfully, a full-featured virtual event platform like 6Connex makes things easy. 6Connex offers a variety of virtual event solutions, including gamification. 6Connex also has friendly and knowledgeable associates who will be happy to help you gamify your virtual event.

If you want to learn more about ramifying your event, request a virtual event platform demo today. Not only can we demonstrate gamification for virtual events, we can show you how to create a virtual venue. 6Connex's platform even makes holding hybrid events a breeze. 

Contact 6Connex today to learn more about our virtual event platform.


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